
“Everyone's nice, no matter who you are you are welcome here.”

Alex, 10

Alex has been a regular attender since she was about 8. She first came to the holiday club as there was nothing else to do in North Manchester and she was not old enough to go out with her friends because her family felt like it was unsafe for her to play out.
MYZ provided activities and fun where she could go and be with her friends and make new ones. She likes the fact that you can come and do your own thing but that the staff offer boundaries, and authority which are important to her to keep happy and safe. She feels it is a place where she can grow as a person.
Alex is one of our most active members currently she enjoys enjoys rock- climbing, dancing, the gym, rec games and the music room. Alex describes the staff as nice and they take time to care as well as being great fun. At Christmas they sent presents home for both her and her mum, which she loved as sometimes luxuries like presents can be a bit out of reach.
She likes the young leaders who are on her sessions and feels it is great that if you have autism and that doesn’t stop them from become a young leader here, everyone is given a chance and given opportunities. She can’t wait to be a young leader herself and already wants to join the shadow youth Board of Trustees so she can give all of her brilliant ideas on how we can make Manchester Youth Zone even better – especially for girls!
She enjoys maths and hopes to become a solicitor when she is older, but until then she will continue enjoying being here at the youth zone.