1st December #fyzadvent

Get your locksmiths at the ready as there are a lot of doors to open this month. Behind door one in #FYZadvent we meet Lucas Achaffrath, a young person who deserves a hug ‘congratulations’.

After being unemployed for approximately one year, Lucas joined our ‘Get a Job’ course in August – a course available to help support young people in to work.

Lucas had struggled to gain employment as he was in a ‘grey area’ where he was over qualified for standard apprenticeships but under qualified for work elsewhere. He explained he was passionate and enthused by technology and really wanted to work in the technology industry.

During the course Lucas worked on building his confidence and self-esteem along with skills such as team building.

On completion of the course Lucas then applied for a position with the funder of ‘get a job’ Accenture. Lucas was absolutely thrilled with this and so happy he accepted the role straight away. He has now finished Accenture’s training programme and started work.

It is great to see that someone who had confidence issues grow and develop so immensely.  Lucas – from everyone here at The Factory, Well Done!
